Well, not gonna grief more about his loss but to look forward continuing our daily life as Gary doesnt want us to be sad over him forever right ? Just recall how happy and a joyful person he was to be with and hope it cures your sadness. So yah, here's my testimonial of you k,Gary bro?? I'm so sorry that I did not give my speech in any of those nights as I afraid I would blanked out emotionally the moment I got hold of the mic.
I had known Gary since Standard 3 where we were the school's prefect in SK Tmn Cuepacs and was in the same class since Standard 5 till Form 5 in SMK Perimbun and of course till now and FOREVER !! Its like almost 13 years we had known each other and still keep contact through calls and sms-es. He's definitely a friend, a brother everyone wished to have.
During our years of friendship, there were never a single dull and boring moment when he's around. We seldom fought with each other as we knew each other so well. Of course la, always sit together in the class,tuition and even school bus, if not nearby. We shared our problems together and tried to help each other to achieve better results academically. There's no doubt that he's the more motivated and better student. When you are sad and down, he tried to advice and motivate you positively to keep on going strong and when its quiet, he will somehow come out with jokes or any funny topics to keep the conversation going. And that's the vintage Gary.
I highly respected him as a person, a friend, a brother. I envy him because he was blessed with abundance of good things in and around him. He's so talented in everything he does, be it academically or sports. Oh ya, trust me,he's an all-rounder in those and always produce great results. He picked up and learned new things super fast till you have to play catch up with him. Truly, he set standards which were out of the world at times but he was so down to earth,unselfishly willing to teach and guide you until you get hold of that something. And not to mention, Gary was such a filial son and brother to the Robert family of Uncle Noel, Aunt Jenny, Sarah, and Farrah.
I'm so honoured to get to participate together with him, representing our school for competitions such as Mathematic Quiz, Chess and St.John Ambulance. His presence has shot up our morale and confidence as Gary was such a dependable person and gave your team the extra edge in competitions.

Bro, I still remember clearly that
You and Me must one day visit Old Trafford together. Its our Theatre of Dreams !! I'm glad that you had fulfilled that..
Saw some comments and testimonials about him on the Net, some even does not know him or just met him once were so touched after getting to know about Gary's passing. Yes, Gary was always the conversation spark plug,the first to ignite the flame and break the ice to any strangers or unknown he stumbled upon regardless of race and age. His charm,his smile and politeness of him had left a great impression deeply into the hearts of many. Girls would fall for him at first sight and guys would want him as best friend. Parents would want him as a son too. Who doesn't isn't it ??
I guessed I'm gonna stop here, I cant continue typing as I'm still reminising the good ol' days we had together. Am walking up and down the house, still cluelessly figuring out and telling myself that you are no more here with us. My bad, I should stay calm and strong and accept the fact that I had lost my best friend, my brother. Dear Gary, I'm so so proud of you !!
Finally,I still remember this song "Im Yours" by Jason Mraz was repeatly played during his 21st birthday celebration last year. Im sure he would want to dedicate this song to you all. Cheer up and dont be too sad over him. So, sing along k ?? *pause mixpod on the right and press play on the video below*
Thank you for reading the 2 posts on Gary Leon Robert and was very supportive for his friends and family members throughout this tough time. If you have anything to say/comment/testimonial about Gary, just feel free to do so here k? Many many thanks on his friends and family's behalf. Take care and cherish the ones around you.